OUR SERVICESADSL ADSL is one of the most reliable and popular options out there! Available in many configurationsVOIP Use your existing Internet connection to make affordable voice calls to any telephone number in the world.Mobile LTE/3G Mobile LTE/3G allows you to stay connected wherever you go. Activated by a sim card and routerWIFI Wi-Fi requires no cables to your house. Use a dish to link straight up to our towers and get connected FIBRE The ideal setup for any home or business owner. Access the internet without limitationsDOMAINS Register or Transfer your domain name & point it to your servers. Below are the prices for our standard options. HOSTING Our hosting packages have been built for all possible needs - from small startups to massive multi-corpsMARKETING Maxitec offers marketing solutions via our Hermanus.co.za and Overberg.co.za portalsWEBSITES Modern & responsive website design customised to fit your business or personal needsMAILBOXES Create and email address on one of our domains, hermanus.co.za, overberg.co.za or maxitec.co.za